Our History & Our Factory Guangzhou JunWen Gifts & Crafts Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, which located in Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, Through more than 8+ years development, We have become an experienced and professional manufacturer to produce business card holder, RFID credit card holder, money wallet, credit card wallet, gift box, fashion bag, genuine leather goods and so on. We have strong cooperative relationships with many suppliers and customers at home and abroad, which meaning that we can supply our customers with high-quality, good-credit and low-cost products. Now we have total 112 workers. Our sales team has 8 professional senior sales with an average of over 10 years experience on leather goods sale, we provide design function and other service, all raw materials have test report, reaching EN71 and ASTM related standards. We make big efforts on worker training, from production skill to lean production, and try to reduce waste from warehouse to final product and achieve better quality. Our Product Our main product: business card holder, RFID credit card holder, name card holder, money wallet, credit card wallet, gift box, fashion bag, genuine leather goods and so on card case. Production Market With annual sales growing , Our main export market has expanded to North America (20%), South America (15%), Eastern Europe (13%), Southeast Asia (12%), Africa (9%), Oceania (9%), the Middle East (8%), Eastern Asia (6.5%) and Western Europe. Despite the worldwide economic turn down, we are still going strong and working hard to meet our customers demands.We are still eager to grow, and keen to build new mutually-beneficial business relationships. Our service Why us, we have 100% satisfaction guarantee: (1) 100% Replace if you are not impressed with our quality. (2) 100% Replace if you think it is not up to the standard we promised. (3) 100% Refund if missed your event date. We always try our best to satisfy you with the best quality, incredible service, fast delivery and reasonable price. Contact us and let's start our efficient business journey!buy Stainless Steel Credit Card Holder website:http://www.junwengift.com/ website2:http://www.junwen-topgift.com/ |